How To Get a Bigger Butt without Surgery? Do Bum Creams and Maca Really Work?
How to Get a Bigger Booty Non Surgical?
All Enhancers Contain Maca, Zhi Mu, Aguaje,Yams, Volufiline Rema's Secrets contaims all these plus 20 more special ingredients to make sure you get the best results possible. For a bigger more define booty like Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Jennifer Lopes aka JLo. Achieve that hour glass shape you dream of.
Very Cheap and affordable Buttocks Enhancements
1 bottle is $25 but it's more like a sample and will not give full results, must keep using until you reach your full results and then stop. This will give you permanent results it will not shrink but you may need maintenance to keep up the plumpness. To Achieve results it may take up to 4 bottles.
What makes my products different from others?
My product carries 26 ingredients in 1 bottle. Others brands carry just a few ingredients, so you're getting organic top of the line Ingredients all in 1 product.
Rema's Secrets deliver big improvements on before and after not slightly. Customer service on our end, you deal with directly by the maker not people that don't know their products.
Every product is custom made for your needs. I don't pay celebrities or social media for fake before and after results, so that it will sell. I am honest in all things. I thrive to make my customers happy, building their self esteem up.
Enhancers Q&A
Q: Can I only use Pills to get results or do I need to use the oil too?
A: Yes you can but for most people the oil works better then just taking pills alone. Oil is stronger then the pills. Try 1 pill a day for 2 months then you can increase to 2 pills a day to speed up the process. 5 pills a day is the limit.
Q: What if this is not working fast enough for me can I do anything to speed up the process?
A: Yes Detox your body for 3 weeks the start the pills and oil, this will give you better results because its detoxing the toxins that stop you from absorbing the nutrients you need for it to work.
Butt Enhancements
Brazilian Bigger Butt Oils
- Regular Strength -No Volufiline.
- Extra Strength - x2 (Double) of the ingredients plus Volufiline.
- Mega Strength - x3 (Triple) of the ingredients Zhi Mu, aka Volufiline.
Bigger Buttocks Extra Strength 2,500mg
- Herbal Pills
- Take 1-3 Pills a day then stop when you see the results you want and the results will stay.
- This Contains: Maca, Zhi Mu Fen, Aguaje. Extra Strong for faster results.
Bigger Buttocks Mega Extra Strength 3,000mg Pills
- x3 Times the Ingredients Plus Volufiline. The strongest.
- Take 1-3 Pills a day then stop when you see the results you want and the results will stay.
- This Contains: Maca, Volufiline, Yams, Zhi Mu Fen, Aguaje. Extra Strong for faster results.
Breast Enhancements
Bigger Breast Regular, Extra Strength & Mega Strength Oils and Pills available
- Makes your Breast grow bigger and faster. Results will be 2-3 cup sizes bigger.
- Takes between 2-12 weeks. Usually will see results in 2 weeks. This Extra contains x2 times extra ingredients and Mega is triple the ingredients
- Contains: Pueraria Mirifica, Volufiline, Maca, FenuGreek Yams, Sage, Buriti, Dragon Blood and more.
Bigger Breast Pills/Capsules
- Herbal Pills
- Extra Strength Contains: Pueraria Mirifica, Maca
- Mega Extra Strength Contains: Pueraria Mirifica, Volufiline, Maca, FenuGreek Yams
Bigger and Wider Hips
Hour Glass Hip Extra Strength Oil All Natural www.remassecrets.com
- Widen hips naturally and fast.
I'm a Beauty Consultant, that Is here to make you feel & look Beautiful with body Enhancements.
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